
Callander & West Perthshire


The names of our current committee members and group leaders are listed below. Those with specific responsibilities can be contacted by email and the address appears beside their name. Simply click on the address to open a web form that can be used to send a message.

Honorary President

Barbara Legg

Committee Members

FunctionNameContact Details
Chairperson:Marilyn Moore
Secretary:Joy HendersonSecretary
Treasurer:Mike AndrewTreasurer
Membership:Peter RickardMembership
Web Manager:Paul HicksWeb Manager
Groups Coordinator:Romma ClementsRomma (Groups)
Member:Isobel Madden
Member:Ruth Smith
Member:Dervla Massey
Member:Janet Gaywood

Additional Helpers

Communications Coordinator (Emails and Zoom):Philip Reece-Heal
Disability Advisor:Alexandra Russell

Group Leaders

GroupCoordinatorContact Details
Ancient History:Peter Peter (History)
Armchair Astronomy:Vernon Vernon (Astronomy)
Art For Fun (Killin):Alison Ali (Art for Fun)
Audio Book Group:Rosemary Rosemary (Books)
Book Group:Rosemary Rosemary (Books)
Bridge (Killin):Marion Marion (Bridge)
Classical Music Appreciation:John John (Music)
Current Affairs:Barbara Barbara (News)
French (Callander):Alexandra

The u3a_contact addressee is not known or has no email address

French Conversation (Killin):Paul Paul (French)
Gardening:Kath Kath (Gardening)
German Conversation:Peter Peter (German)
Knit & Natter:Liz Liz (Knitting)
Lunch Club:Christine Christine (Lunches)
Mahjong:Peter Peter (Mahjong)
Maths in Art and Literature:Paul Paul (Maths)
Painting for Pleasure:Brenda Brenda (Painting)
Poetry:Marguerite Marguerite (Poetry)
Quintessentials:Trish Trish (Quint)
Rock Music Appreciation:Jill Jill (Rock)
Scottish Country Dancing:Kath Kath (Dancing)
Scottish History:Kath Kath (History)
Table Tennis:Peter Peter (Sport)
Topics in the History of Art:Keverne Keverne (Art)
Travellers' Tales:Isobel Isobel (Travelling)

Other Links

Group leaders can use the new BEACON administrative facility via the link above. Please select "Callander and W Perthshire" in the field marked "U3A" and then enter your username and password in the remaining two fields to log in.